Friday, July 2, 2010

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Friday morning me and my family went to see the movie The Last Airbender, a cartoon series that M. Night Shyamalan recreated in his latest movie. Being a person who has watched all three seasons of the Last Airbender I was very excited that someone was finally stepping up and taking this daunting task. Watching the previews my hopes were as high as you could possibly imagine so as we got into the theatre the movie was just starting, as it took me through the opening scene I was full of excitement. Then it began. The scenery was amazing and it had so much potential, but through the first scenes I realized something very important they were mispronouncing the characters name, Aang. In the cartoon series they pronounced it slightly different and throughout the movie it  continually annoyed me. But i will say this they did a good job for that big of a task, but I'm not sure if other fans of the TV series will be as forgiving. So all in all it wasn't the worst, it just wasn't the best.